Device Testing
Hi all
We have a manual web team who has recently got a license for BrowserStack (for manual crossbrowser & multiple device testing) and it seems that they've got a spare one which they have offered us to use.
I was wondering if there is a way to run my existing TestComplete scripts on BrowserStack for multiple device testing ? Please be aware that we do not use selenium and all our test scripts are designed using keyword test.
If BrowserStack can't be used can someone be kind enough to advise the best possible tool for us to perform multiple device testing using TestComplete script or if SmartBear offers any specific product for device testing ?
Thank you.
gdave :
> CBT for iOS & Android platform for various devices can be achieved via standalone mobile module only ( not the one which is integrated with TC).
Well, I understand this 'standalone mobile module' as a new cross-platform module/project mode which indeed requires separate license and was introduced in TC 14.4.
If my above statement is correct, than it corresponds to my understanding:
-- CBT integrated with TestComplete provides access to Windows desktop environments only;
-- Cross-platform module/project mode uses Selenium under the hood and thus tests created using this new mode can be executed with any platform that supports Selenium (non-integrated CBT, BrowserStack, etc.);
-- As communication with Selenium in new mode is implemented via the new <page>.FindElement() method, old test code will not work in cross-platform mode unless been modified.
My initial reply in this thread seems to be correct and relevant.
The answer to your initial question:
> all our test scripts are designed using keyword test.
No. Existing tests (both scripted and Keyword ones) cannot be executed 'as-is' in the cross-platform mode and require proper modifications. And no, I am not aware about any other third-party product or SmartBear offering except new cross-platform mode in TC 14.40 and up that makes it possible to execute TestComplete tests on mobile devices in the cloud farms.
I'm sorry to say this, but it looks like that you will not be able to use this spare BrowserStack license for TestComplete testing immediately right now.