Defining web object using Tree Model
- 6 years ago
You can access objects both ways... either using the Sys.Browser way or Aliases.Browser... Why you wouldn't want to use NameMapping if you have it mapped, not sure I understand your ultimate goal here.
My guess is that you probably have something wrong in the values you're using for url or formName or txtBoxID. Keep in mind that NameMapping has all those values already in place. NameMapping also has built object identification waiting going on. So, I'm expecting that you might also be dealing with a timing issue where the object is not present at he time you're attempting to use it.
- 6 years ago
There should be no problem with using a NameMapping from one machine to another. The mapping is based upon objects within the application under test, their properties, and their hierarchy within that application. There should be VERY few factors in mapping that will cause a NameMapping that works on one machine to fail on another.