Forum Discussion

nancypnp's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

DDT excel driver and Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application") are throwing exception

Hi All,

I am trying to compare two excel files with same sheet names and trying to save the result into a new excel file

compariosn is done using DDT as i dont want to open the file, just want to read

and result update to new excel i am using Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application") as i need to open excel and set the result

please do help me with this

Function CompareExcelCellValues(nRowIndex,SheetName,RefFileDriver, FileToCompareDriver)

Dim NumberOfColumns, ColumnIndex, CurrentRow, RtnValue

Dim RefCellText,FileToCompareCellText, ComparisionFlag, TitleArray()


  ComparisionFlag = True  

  CurrentRow = 0

  RtnValue = False

  Redim TitleArray(8)


  NumberOfColumns = RefFileDriver.ColumnCount


  If RefFileDriver.EOF() And FileToCompareDriver.EOF() then 

    RtnValue = True

    Log.Message("EOF reached for both the files in the begining itself."+vbCrLf+_

    "No Data is present.")

    CompareExcelCellValues = RtnValue

    Exit Function   


    While Not RefFileDriver.EOF() And Not FileToCompareDriver.EOF()

      For ColumnIndex = 0 To NumberOfColumns - 1

        RefCellText = VarToStr(RefFileDriver.value(ColumnIndex))

        RefCellTextName = VarToStr(RefFileDriver.ColumnName(ColumnIndex))

        FileToCompareCellText = VarToStr(FileToCompareDriver.value(ColumnIndex))

        FileToCompareCellTextName = VarToStr(FileToCompareDriver.ColumnName(ColumnIndex))


      If CurrentRow = 0 And RefCellText <> "" Then

        TitleArray(ColumnIndex) = RefCellText 'TitleArray(0) = ""

      End If     


          If Utilities.CompareStr(RefCellText , FileToCompareCellText) <> 0 Then

              If VarToStr(RefFileDriver.value(0)) <> "" Then

                PanelNode = VarToStr(RefFileDriver.value(0))

'                DDT.CloseDriver(RefFileDriver.Name)

'                DDT.CloseDriver(FileToCompareDriver.Name)

                Call SetValueToExcelUsingColumnDA(DistributedDownLoadSheet,nRowIndex,"SW_Version_Difference",_

                "For Node: "&PanelNode& ""&vbLf&"" & TitleArray(ColumnIndex)& " Version: Before:" &RefCellText& ", After:" &FileToCompareCellText&""&vbLf) 

              End if

            ComparisionFlag = False          

          End If  



      CurrentRow = CurrentRow + 1 'go to next row



      If RefFileDriver.EOF() XOR FileToCompareDriver.EOF() then 

        RtnValue = False 

        CompareExcelCellValues = RtnValue

        Exit Function   

      End If 


  End If 



  If ComparisionFlag Then

    Log.Message("Data in both the Excel Sheets are Equal")

    Call SetValueToExcelUsingColumnDA(DistributedDownLoadSheet,nRowIndex,"SW_Version_Difference","Software Version:Before Download and After Download is same") 

    RtnValue = True

  End If 


  CompareExcelCellValues = RtnValue

End Function


Public function SetValueToExcelUsingColumnDA(sheetname,nRow,sCol,szdata)

  Set Excel = Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application")

  if Excel.Visible then 

   usedColumnsCount = Excel.Sheets(sheetname).UsedRange.Columns.Count

    For i = 1 to usedColumnsCount 

      if  sCol = Excel.Sheets(sheetname).cells(1,i).text then

        nCol = i

        exit for

      end if


      Excel.Sheets(sheetname).Cells(nRow,nCol).Value= Excel.Sheets(sheetname).Cells(nRow,nCol).Value +szdata 

    End If

End function

2 Replies

  • nancypnp's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi All,

    I have changed the method as below, without using DDT

    but i am getting " subscript out of range" for cloumn count

    Sub CompareExcelSheets(nRowIndex,RefFileName, RefSheetName, FileToCompareName, FileToCompareSheet)

    Dim RefFileDriver, FileToCompareDriver, RtnValue

    Dim RefFileColumnCount, FileToCompareColumnCount, ExcelColumnDifference

        ComparisionFlag = True  

      CurrentRow = 1

      RtnValue = False

      Redim TitleArray(8)


      LogFolder = Log.AppendFolder("Comparing Excel Sheets")


      RtnValue = False 

      Set Excel = Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application")

      set RefFile = Excel.Workbooks.Open(RefFileName)

      set FileToCompare = Excel.Workbooks.Open(FileToCompareName)

      RefFileColumnCount = RefFile.Sheets(RefSheetName).UsedRange.Columns.Count

      RefFileRowCount = RefFile.Sheets(RefSheetName).UsedRange.Rows.Count

      FileToCompareColumnCount = FileToCompare.Sheets(FileToCompareSheet).UsedRange.Columns.Count

      FileToCompareRowCount = FileToCompare.Sheets(FileToCompareSheet).UsedRange.Rows.Count

      ExcelColumnDifference = RefFileColumnCount - FileToCompareColumnCount


      If ExcelColumnDifference <> 0 Then

        Log.Message("The number of columns in:" & vbCrLf & "  " & RefSheetName & " of (" & RefFileName _

        & ") is " & vbCrLf & RefFileColumnCount)

        Log.Message("The number of columns in:" & vbCrLf + "  " & SheetToCompare & " of (" & FileToCompareName _

        & ") is " & vbCrLf & FileToCompareColumnCount)

        Log.Error ("The number of columns in both the Excel sheets are not equal")          


        For CurrentRow = 2 To RefFileRowCount 

          For ColumnIndex = 1 To RefFileColumnCount

            RefCellTextTitle = VarToStr(RefFile.Sheets(RefSheetName).Cells(2,ColumnIndex).text)

            RefCellText = VarToStr(RefFile.Sheets(RefSheetName).Cells(CurrentRow+1,ColumnIndex).text)

            FileToCompareCellText = VarToStr(FileToCompare.Sheets(RefSheetName).Cells(CurrentRow+1,ColumnIndex).text)


            If CurrentRow = 2 And RefCellTextTitle <> "" Then

              TitleArray(ColumnIndex) = RefCellTextTitle

            End If


            If Utilities.CompareStr(RefCellText , FileToCompareCellText) <> 0 Then

              If VarToStr(RefFile.Sheets(RefSheetName).Cells(CurrentRow,1).text) <> "" Then

                PanelNode = VarToStr(RefFile.Sheets(RefSheetName).Cells(CurrentRow+1,1).text)

                'log.Message("For Node: "&PanelNode& ""&vbLf&"" & TitleArray(ColumnIndex)& " Version: Before:" &RefCellText& ", After:" &FileToCompareCellText)

                Call SetValueToExcelUsingColumnDA(DistributedDownLoadSheet,nRowIndex,"SW_Version_Difference",_

                 "For Node: "&PanelNode& ""&vbLf&"" & TitleArray(ColumnIndex)& " Version: Before:" &RefCellText& ", After:" &FileToCompareCellText&""&vbLf) 

              End If

              ComparisionFlag = False 

            End If


        CurrentRow = CurrentRow + 1 


      End If


      If ComparisionFlag Then

        Log.Message("Data in both the Excel Sheets are Equal")

        Call SetValueToExcelUsingColumnDA(DistributedDownLoadSheet,nRowIndex,"SW_Version_Difference","Software Version:Before Download and After Download is same") 

        RtnValue = True

      End If 


      set Excel = Nothing


    End Sub

    Public function SetValueToExcelUsingColumnDA(sheetname,nRow,sCol,szdata)


      set Excel = Nothing

      Set Excel = GetObject(FileName)  

      usedColumnsCount = Excel.Sheets(sheetname).UsedRange.Columns.Count

    (I am getting error)

      For i = 1 to usedColumnsCount 

        if  sCol = Excel.Sheets(sheetname).cells(1,i).text then

          nCol = i

          exit for

        end if


      Excel.Sheets(sheetname).Cells(nRow,nCol).Value= Excel.Sheets(sheetname).Cells(nRow,nCol).Value +szdata 

      set Excel = Nothing


    End function

  • nancypnp's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    And an addition to above.

    I am getting this error only when i run the code from main flow, but no error is showed when the routine is executed