Forum Discussion

yingkai1208's avatar
11 years ago

Concurrency testing in Testcomplete

Hi,  Can Testcomplete handle concurrency testing? An application in my company could be opened as more than one instance, and I need to test that doing some actions on one instance will ...
  • AlexKaras's avatar
    11 years ago
    Hi Kai,

    Definitely, I did not have an idea to remap everything for one of the DataFlows. :) The idea was to change namemapping for just DataFlow1 so it used not only process name, but also ProcessIndex set to 1.

    Hovewer, if you are saying that you may have more than two dataFlow processes running and do not mix their usage in the test code, but do something with first instance and than do something with another instance, I think that your idea should work and be even better.

    In order to implement it, you should:

    a) Make a backup of the current NameMapping.tcNM file;

    b) Delete one of the namemapped DataFlow processes with all its children;

    c) For the remained DataFlow process, select it in the namemapping tree and for the ProcessIndex row on the right click the ellipsis button (the button with three dots);

    d) In the endsuing dialog select Project Variable for the Mode field and select ApplicationIndex variable from the Variable drop-down;

    e) Save NameMapping changes.

    Now, I believe that TestComplete will select correct process instance after you set proper value to the Project.Variables.ApplicationInstance variable in your test code.