Forum Discussion

kaiiii's avatar
Regular Contributor
5 years ago

check extension is installed on browser.

How can Check extension is installed on browsers or not by using script.

  • kaiiii's avatar
    5 years ago

    Hi tristaanogre 

    Yes... I raised query for same and below is the reply.

    "The test failures I found are related to a SetUpBrowser function in your tests that closes an existing browser window before opening a new browser with OpenBrowserWithURL.
    When the new browser window is launched this way, it does not always contain the user profile information needed and causes the test to fail. I would recommend posting the URL to the existing browser window instead of opening a new browser to see if that produces more consistent results for your tests."


    And below is the function I am using.


    Sub SetUpBrowser
     While Sys.WaitBrowser().Exists
     Call Sys.WaitBrowser().Close()
    End Sub



    Sub OpenBrowserWithURL (BrowserName,URL)
    Dim firefox,InternetExplorer,Chrome,Edge, Browser

    If (BrowserName="Firefox")Then
    ElseIf (BrowserName="InternetExplorer")Then
    Browsers.Item("iexplore", "11", Browsers.pX64).Run URL
    ElseIf (BrowserName="Edge")Then
    ElseIf (BrowserName="Chrome")Then
    End If

    Browser = Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Description
    Log.Checkpoint("Browser Details: " + Browser)
    Log.Checkpoint("URL: "&URL)

    End Sub



    Thanks for reply.

    Yes.. I am working on multiple instances(CBT).

    I have already gone through thelink provided by you but now I am looking to check extension status on browser.

4 Replies

  • Hey Kaii, 


    The extension is used only in chrome so its only chrome you need to check 



    Have you multiple instances of chrome? 


    For other browser prepparation the steps are different so see the below link for reference



    Hope this helps 




    • tristaanogre's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor

      Based upon your previous messages and conversations, I understand that you're doing most of your work in CBT environments.  If you are having a problem with running a chrome test on a CBT environment where it's stating that the extension is not installed, that is a support question for the CBT team...and I believe you've been given the advice to open a support ticket with that team.  Have you done so?  If so, what was the response?

      • kaiiii's avatar
        Regular Contributor

        Hi tristaanogre 

        Yes... I raised query for same and below is the reply.

        "The test failures I found are related to a SetUpBrowser function in your tests that closes an existing browser window before opening a new browser with OpenBrowserWithURL.
        When the new browser window is launched this way, it does not always contain the user profile information needed and causes the test to fail. I would recommend posting the URL to the existing browser window instead of opening a new browser to see if that produces more consistent results for your tests."


        And below is the function I am using.


        Sub SetUpBrowser
         While Sys.WaitBrowser().Exists
         Call Sys.WaitBrowser().Close()
        End Sub



        Sub OpenBrowserWithURL (BrowserName,URL)
        Dim firefox,InternetExplorer,Chrome,Edge, Browser

        If (BrowserName="Firefox")Then
        ElseIf (BrowserName="InternetExplorer")Then
        Browsers.Item("iexplore", "11", Browsers.pX64).Run URL
        ElseIf (BrowserName="Edge")Then
        ElseIf (BrowserName="Chrome")Then
        End If

        Browser = Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Description
        Log.Checkpoint("Browser Details: " + Browser)
        Log.Checkpoint("URL: "&URL)

        End Sub



        Thanks for reply.

        Yes.. I am working on multiple instances(CBT).

        I have already gone through thelink provided by you but now I am looking to check extension status on browser.