Can't access DB Table when trying to schedule automated test
- 6 years ago
STarting with TC/TE 12.4, there are two versions of the tool installed: a 32-bit version and a 64-bit version. By default, all icons in Windows created on installation point to the 64-bit version.
This is important when working with database drivers and such because they are installed, also, as 32-bit or 64-bit. Theoretically, I'd be willing to bet that your manual runs are using the 64-bit version of TestComplete and that you're using the 64-bit database driver.
To test this theory, change your ShellExecute like sovar objShell = objShell.ShellExecute("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\SmartBear\\TestExecute 12\\x64\\Bin\\TestExecute.exe", "\"C:\\Users\\primatester1_svc\\Documents\\Primaforalltraining Script 311\\Test New\\Test Automation_PRIMA for ALL.pjs\" /r", "", "open", 1);