Forum Discussion

endorium's avatar
Frequent Contributor
4 years ago

Cannot run API test from test complete

I have setup a 'ReadyAPI' item in test complete. When I try to execute it I am getting the below. I dont know enough to work out what is wrong. Project file is specified in test complete. Any help in debugging is appreciated.



cmd.exe /C testrunner.bat  "-sAutomationTestData" "-cCreateRoles" -I -r -j -a "-fC:\Users\SNEJAD~1.BIO\AppData\Local\Temp\{AFCB2334-9706-4BB8-956D-3D26E47924ED}" "-PstartRow=81" "-PendRow=81" "-PPCName=PC417026" "-PprojectPath=C:\Connect\EnterpriseAutomatedTests\RegressionTests\" "C:\Connect\EnterpriseAutomatedTests\RegressionTests\Files\OCDAutomationTests\OrthoReadyAPIProject\OrthoAPITestData.xml"
usage: testrunner [options] <project-file>
 -a                        Turns on exporting of all results
 -A                        Turns on exporting of all results using folders
                           instead of long filenames
 -c <arg>                  Sets the testcase
 -d <arg>                  Sets the domain
    --D <property=value>   Sets system property with name=value
 -e <arg>                  Sets the endpoint
 -E <arg>                  Sets the environment
 -f <arg>                  Sets the output folder to export results to
 -F <arg>                  The report format. Use this option with the -R
                           argument. Possible values: PDF, XLS, HTML, RTF,
                           CSV, TXT, and XML (comma-separated).
    --G <property=value>   Sets global property with name=value
 -g                        Sets the output to include Coverage HTML
 -h <arg>                  Sets the host
    --H <property=value>   Adds a custom HTTP Header to all outgoing
                           requests (name=value), can be specified
                           multiple times
 -i                        Enables Swing UI for scripts
 -I                        Do not stop if error occurs, ignore them
 -j                        Sets the output to include JUnit XML reports
 -J                        Sets the output to include JUnit XML reports
                           adding test properties to the report
 -K,--accessKey <arg>      Specifies the license access key.
 -M                        Creates a Test Run Log Report in XML format
 -O                        Do not send usage statistics
 -o                        Opens generated report(s) in a browser
 -p <arg>                  Sets the password
    --P <property=value>   Sets or overrides project property with
 -r                        Prints a small summary report
 -R <arg>                  Report to Generate
 -s <arg>                  Sets the testsuite
 -S                        Saves the project after running the tests
 -t <arg>                  Sets the readyapi-settings.xml file to use
 -T <arg>                  Runs only the test cases or test suites whose
                           tags are specified. Format: -T"TestCase tag1[,
                           tag2 ...]" or -T"TestSuite tag1[, tag2 ...]".
 -u <arg>                  Sets the username
 -U,--email <arg>          Specifies the email of your SmartBear ID or
                           SwaggerHub account.
 -v <arg>                  Sets password for readyapi-settings.xml file
 -V,--password <arg>       Specifies the password of your SmartBear ID or
                           SwaggerHub account.
 -w <arg>                  Sets the WSS password type, either 'Text' or
 -W <arg>                  Sets the Slack access token and channel
 -x <arg>                  Sets project password for decryption if project
                           is encrypted
No project file is specified.

The test runner has exited with code 1.




Bit more information. It seems to be the parameter 'projectPath' I am tryign to send in thats causing the issue. I remove this and it runs (but fails). Seems to be using this parameter to find the project file. This seems to be a genuine bug?



testrunner.bat "-sAutomationTestData" "-cCreateRule" -I -r -j -a "-fC:\Users\SNEJAD~1.BIO\AppData\Local\Temp\{04199B9B-52A6-441D-87DD-A29916BCA941}" "-PstartRow=81" "-PendRow=81" "-PPCName=PC417026" "-PprojectPath=C:\Connect\EnterpriseAutomatedTests\RegressionTests\" "C:\Connect\EnterpriseAutomatedTests\RegressionTests\Files\OCDAutomationTests\OrthoReadyAPIProject\OrthoAPITestData.xml"