Forum Discussion

andrew_1's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

Android application not being recognized as an instrumented application

When I record a test for an android application in Testcomplete, the application isn’t recognized as an instrumented app and the test is recorded as an image-based test. As far as I’m aware, the application was instrumented properly. The steps followed were:

1. The application was added to TestedApps using the “Instrument the application” option.

2. The “Backup original .apk file” option was ticked.

3. The “Sign the application using the debug certificate” was selected.

The “Instrumenting the application” screen appears, does its thing then disappears. If I try to Re-instrument the application, a message pops up saying that the application is already instrumented.

After recording a test, the object browser doesn’t have any objects relating to the application and the object spy doesn’t even recognize the Mobile Screen window. The Testcomplete Android Agent is installed on the device (Xperia Z phone) and tests recorded on the sample Orders application are recorded with all of the objects recognized.

Any suggestions as to what could be happening?
  • Hi Andrew,


    Make sure that you are using TestComplete 10.40 - the latest product version.

    If the issue persists on this version, answer the following questions:

    1. What IDE was used to create the app?

    2. What Android version is installed on the device?


6 Replies

  • andrew_1's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Problem solved. The developer sent a debuggable apk file and now Testcomplete has access to the methods and fields.

    Thanks for taking the time to help.
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Andrew,


    Make sure that you are using TestComplete 10.40 - the latest product version.

    If the issue persists on this version, answer the following questions:

    1. What IDE was used to create the app?

    2. What Android version is installed on the device?


  • andrew_1's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Tanya

    I'm using Testcomplete version 10.4 and the Android version is 4.4.4. The IDE the developer is using is Android Studio. This is likely to change to Xamarin in the near future.

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Andrew,

    Thank you for the update.

    > The developer sent a debuggable apk file [...]

    Is this something specific to Android Studio or the same thing exists in Eclipse as well?

    > This is likely to change to Xamarin in the near future.

    Note, that TestComplete does not support Xamarin natively at the moment and in order to work with the applications created using Xamarin you need a component from Falafel (

  • andrew_1's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Alexei

    I haven't used either Android Studio or Eclipse myself, but I would assume that Eclipse would allow users to create a debuggable apk file. Maybe someone reading this could chip in?

    I had a look at the Falafel website and found the Falafel Bridge for Testcomplete at this link:

    I won’t be able to try it out until we switch over to Xamarin. Are there any known issues with using the Falafel Bridge that we should be aware of?

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Andrew,

    > Are there any known issues with using the Falafel Bridge that we should be aware of?

    I did not use Falafel's Bridge either, so can't help here. But you may contact either Falafel or SmartBear's Sales ( and ask for their comments. Nick Olivo (from Smartbear) did a presentation together with Lino Tadros (from Falafel) some time ago, so they may know if there is something that you should be aware of.