Forum Discussion

PeterMitcham's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

ADODB - Syntax error when trying to open a recordset when using the adCmdTable parameter



I am trying to update a record in a sql server database table and when i try and open up a recordset using adCmdTable parameter i get the following syntax error.


Err.number: -2147217900

Err.Description: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SET'


The interesting part is this error occurs when trying to process the open method and appears to be related to the sql variable content


adoRS.Open sql, OpenResConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable


If i remove the adCmdTable parameter then the statement will process but the adOpenKeyset and adLockOptimistic settings will be default and not as specified. As i am trying to update a value in the table, the default settings are read only so i get an error relating to be unable to update due to lock state.


Additional infomation:

DB Version: SQL Server 12

Table:  the blob table has the ID column set as the primary key

BLOB field type is image

the adCmdTable parameter is correctly being returned as int 2.


Here is the code i am trying to run.


Dim OpenResConn, sql, sFileName, adoRS, iDriverID


iDriverID = 4

sFileName = "C:\Testing\Errors\TestUncertain.png"


Set OpenResConn = Sys.OleObject("ADODB.Connection")

OpenResConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11;" _

& "Server=auto-test-res;" _

& "Database=Results;" _

& "user id ='Results';" _

& "password='Password';" _

& "DataTypeCompatibility=80;"



sql = "SET NOCOUNT ON; "

sql = sql & "insert into BLOBCopy (DriverID, Filename)"

sql = sql & "values (" & iDriverID & ", '" & sFileName & "');"

sql = sql & "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() as ID;"



Set adoRS = Sys.OleObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

Call adoRs.Open(sql, OpenResConn)

blobID= adoRs("ID")



'Open a recordset of just the BLOB column for the row we just created

sql = "SET NOCOUNT ON; "

sql = sql & "select BLOB from BLOBCopy where ID = " & blobID


adoRS.Open sql, OpenResConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable


'create a stream and populate it with the specified file

Dim adoSt

Set adoSt = Sys.OleObject("ADODB.Stream")

adoSt.Type = 1'adTypeBinary


adoSt.LoadFromFile sFileName


'Write the stream to the recordset and update it

adoRs.Fields("BLOB").Value = adoSt.Read






Does anyone have any ideas as to why this isnt working as intended?

  • PeterMitcham's avatar
    9 years ago

    Well it would appear the problem relates to the datatype being passed, expects it to be a byte() array and its being passed as a variant (as per vb script).


    There were numerous examples of converting a variant to byte array available on forums\solutions sites etc, but i struggled to get them to work.


    I solved it finally by writing a console app that replicates the adodb stream process and it works fine.

2 Replies

  • PeterMitcham's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Solved the first problem in that asCmdTable returns all the columns associated with the table, as i only need 1 columns not passing it as a parameter is a viable option which allows the script to continue...


    Unfortunately i have now come across another issue relating the to ADODB.Stream


    Dim adoSt

    Set adoSt = Sys.OleObject("ADODB.Stream")

    adoSt.Type = 1'adTypeBinary


    adoSt.LoadFromFile sFileName


    'Write the stream to the recordset and update it

    adoRs.Fields("BLOB").Value = adoSt.Read





    I get a type mismatch when i read the value back to the record set (the file is a .png)


    Err.number -2147352571

    Err.description: Type mismatch

    Err.source: Provider


    Any ideas?

    • PeterMitcham's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Well it would appear the problem relates to the datatype being passed, expects it to be a byte() array and its being passed as a variant (as per vb script).


      There were numerous examples of converting a variant to byte array available on forums\solutions sites etc, but i struggled to get them to work.


      I solved it finally by writing a console app that replicates the adodb stream process and it works fine.