Access Violation When Using Microsoft Application Verifier With TestComplete
Hi all,
I'm trying to use TestComplete (15.31.374.7) to run my testing on a tested application. The tested application has been added into the Application Verifier and it is running by using WinDbg (as a debugger).
When I start to run the test project, the WinDbg triggered the Access violation error immediately.
To find the root cause, I use the Object Spy and drag the target icon to the desired window, and then the access violation error occurred.
Attached .TXT file is the command log exported from the WinDbg. Those commands were generated after I clicked Object Spy in the TestComplete.
Based on the above finding, is the TestComplete doesn't have the access or unable to retrieve the properties of a tested application if the application is added into the Application Verifier? Or the application is running by WinDbg?