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wynandb1's avatar
10 years ago

.VBS Script Help Please

Good day


Could someone please assist with my problem if possible ? Not sure if this is the right forum ? Please note that I got this from the web. I am not a developer or a VB script guy. 


I have this .vbs scrip that I want to use to populate a cell in a excel spreatsheet with the current date each time I execute the script. 


The script that I have, opens the excel workbook, and populates the cell, but does not save and close the workbook. 


I cannot seem to get it to do this ? 


Any help would be highly appreciated. 



Dim objXl
Dim objWb
Dim dtMonth
Set objXl = CreateObject("EXCEL.APPLICATION")
dtMonth = Right(String(2,"0") & Month(date), 2)
objXl.Visible = true
objXl.cells(3,1).Value = (DatePart("yyyy",Now()))& Right(String(2,"0") & Month(date), 2)&Right(String(2,"0") & Day(date), 2)



Kind Regards


  • Hi Wynand,

    You need to call the .Save and .Close methods against the workbook object, not the Excel object:


    Dim objXl, objWb, value

    value = DatePart("yyyy", Now()) _
    & Right(String(2, "0") & Month(Date), 2) _
    & Right(String(2, "0") & Day(Date), 2)

    Set objXl = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objXl.Visible = True

    Set objWb = objXl.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Wynandb\Desktop\FolderName\FileName.xls") objWb.ActiveSheet.Cells(3,1).Value = value objWb.Save objWb.Close objXL.Quit

    Other notes:

    • Use .Open to open Excel files. .OpenText is for parsing text files.
    • If this code runs in TestComplete, use aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr method to format date strings:

      value = aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(aqDateTime.Now, "%Y%m%d")
  • HKosova's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Wynand,

    You need to call the .Save and .Close methods against the workbook object, not the Excel object:


    Dim objXl, objWb, value

    value = DatePart("yyyy", Now()) _
    & Right(String(2, "0") & Month(Date), 2) _
    & Right(String(2, "0") & Day(Date), 2)

    Set objXl = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objXl.Visible = True

    Set objWb = objXl.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Wynandb\Desktop\FolderName\FileName.xls") objWb.ActiveSheet.Cells(3,1).Value = value objWb.Save objWb.Close objXL.Quit

    Other notes:

    • Use .Open to open Excel files. .OpenText is for parsing text files.
    • If this code runs in TestComplete, use aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr method to format date strings:

      value = aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(aqDateTime.Now, "%Y%m%d")
    • wynandb1's avatar

      Hi Helen


      Thank you for the reply.  This code doen not run in TC. Its a .VBS file I want to run using a .BAT file.


      However, I tried to use your code as you put it here, I just rectified the path with the corrent file name and it doesnt work. 


      I get the following error message on Line 4 Char 31 Error : Expected end of staement.



      • HKosova's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

        Updated the code above - could you please try once again?