4 years agoOccasional Contributor
swagger ui time out error
Hi Team,
We am using swagger UI integrated with our dev portal .. when using the "TRY OUT" option, our consumers are encountering a "REQUEST TIME OUT 504" error ...the same end point works fine in POSTMAN with no time out error... how should i configure the TIMEOUT to be increased to minimum of 60sec atleast.
My code goes here:
window.swaggerUi = new SwaggerUi({
spec: specObj,
validatorUrl: null,
dom_id: "swagger-ui-container",
supportedSubmitMethods: ['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'patch'],
ReadTimeout: 120000,
ConnectTimeout: 120000,
onComplete: function(swaggerApi, swaggerUi) {....................................