Forum Discussion
Iam using
That sounds like it might be the version of Springfox (and it's an old one), which is not one of the projects we maintain. Without knowing the version of Swagger UI that you use, it'll be challenging for us to provide further assistance.
You can refer to for more details on how to find the version that you use.
- gurunathkumar797 years agoNew Contributor
Below are the swagger versions that iam using in my spring boot application
'io.springfox:springfox-swagger-ui:2.4.0'- RonRatovsky7 years ago
Springfox provides their own wrapped version of Swagger UI. It is not maintained by us, and we don't know which version is included with it. Please follow the instruction in the link previously shared to find out the actual version of Swagger UI you're using.
- gurunathkumar797 years agoNew Contributor
Hi RonRatovsky
Have gone through the link you provided and found the exact version of swagger-ui in js file.
Below is the version that is usedv2.2.6