Hello ponelat, after speaking to my peer, the SSL error turned out to be a NAT configuration issue which we were able to take care of, thank you. We now have instances of the supporting services listed below running in our test environment using the Docker containers from Docker Hub:
However, I am still facing some challenges with these services when requesting validation/conversion to an API definition that is hosted on the same server.
While the sample https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json validates with our instance of the validator badge and converts properly to OpenAPI 3.0 with the converter, I can't seem to validate any APIs definitions that are hosted on the same server, albeit different ports, for example, the following succeeds:
https://example.test.host.com:8050/validator/?url=https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json, and
But, the following request against an internal API's definition hosted on the same server, fails to validate and convert:
Here is a bit more detail on our current setup and where we are trying to go with this:
We are trying to implement Swagger Opensource tools using the Dockerized services available in Docker Hub to view and author OpenAPI compliant definition files.
So far, we have an instance of Swagger UI running to serve as our API catalog accomplished by using the URLS environment variable as described in the documentation (
https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui/blob/master/docs/usage/configuration.md) with URLs to some of our internal APIs that sit on the same server but on different ports. This works great and the UI has a drop down list to choose the APIs definition to render. Our next goal is to point our instance of Swagger UI to validate with our local validator instance since it's currently disabled.
The Swagger Editor's File > Import URL works great with the addresses to the internal API's definition as well, but although we were able to configure the Editor to point to our internal converter, the converter is unable to read definition as described above.
One difference I noticed between the two containers that worked for us, Swagger UI and Editor and the two that are not working for us, is the port configuration the containers are configured with. While Swagger UI and Editor have the following configuration:
80/tcp,>8080/tcp swagger-ui
80/tcp,>8080/tcp swagger-editor
The validator and converter look as follows:
PORTS NAMES>8080/tcp swagger-validator>8080/tcp swagger-converter
Any ideas on the reason the validator/converter can't read internally exposed definitions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again!