swagger code-gen ignoring xml-attributes for application/xml request
Hi All,
I am new to using Swagger.
I am trying to generate swagger server side code with the help of swagger editor. I created the below xml request using swagger editor(json).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<param key="test"></param>
<param key="test1"></param>
<param key="test2"></param>
But when i generated the server side project using the "Generate Server" option with language as spring using this swagger editor(json) and ran the project in ide. I get the below sample xml request in the swagger UI.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
I observed that the "xml": {"attribute": true} tag is being ignored and hence this resultant request is being generated in the swagger UI. Can someone please assist on how to resolve this?