PATCH operation not working through Swagger UI
When I perform a PATCH operation through Swagger UI it gives the following error in the UI(with CORS enabled):
TypeError: Failed to fetch
Following is the curl command :
curl -X PATCH "http://##HOSTNAME##:##PORT##/metamodel/v1/services/DUMMY/D_Dummy_1/approve?version=1" -H "accept: application/json" -H "workspace_id: ##INFODOM##" -H "x-tenant-id: dmt" -H "user: hs" -H "locale: en_US"
The logs show only the header parameter names, their corressponding values are not being received. Also the content-type recieved is :
Content-Type: text/plain (which should ideally be 'application/json')
The same operation works through Postman or even when the CURL command is executed. Also, other operations such as GET, POST are working fine through Swagger UI.