Generating Documentation Manually via Code
Hello all, I understand that I am probably doing way more work than I need considering C#/.NET offers many built-in tools for generating documentation based on tags and comments, but for various reasons I am not(cannot) do that.
I am trying to use the NSwag NuGet package to manually generate the OpenAPI documentation for my rest calls. I have found the tool "" to help verify my structure and needless to say it is not happy at all. The main problem seems to be around the JSON Schema for my complex objects when used in body's, responses, or parameters. I have tried setting all sorts of different properties and using different methods to add the schema to my OpenAPI json file with zero luck. I've also scoured the internet and it seems that I can barely find an example of what I am doing, never mind help to achieve it, so here I am...begging for help 🙂
Here is a super simplified piece of code, with some values hardcoded/swapped out to make the example easy:
var openApiDocument = new NSwag.OpenApiDocument()
Info = new NSwag.OpenApiInfo()
Version = "1.0",
Title = "SOME TITLE",
Description = "THIS IS WHAT MY API DOES",
Contact = new NSwag.OpenApiContact()
Email = "my",
Url = "",
Name = "Our Company's Name!"
ExternalDocumentation = new NSwag.OpenApiExternalDocumentation()
Url = "",
Description = "Find out more about Swagger"
openApiDocument.Servers.Add(new NSwag.OpenApiServer { Url = "" });
openApiDocument.SchemaType = NJsonSchema.SchemaType.OpenApi3;
openApiDocument.Tags.Add(new NSwag.OpenApiTag()
Name = "a group"
NSwag.OpenApiPathItem myPath = new NSwag.OpenApiPathItem();
openApiDocument.Paths.Add("/callme", myPath);
var newOp = new NSwag.OpenApiOperation()
Description = "cool description bro"
newOp.Tags.Add("a group");
var temp = new NSwag.OpenApiResponse();
new NSwag.OpenApiMediaType
Schema = NJsonSchema.JsonSchema.FromType(<MY TYPE>, new JsonSchemaGeneratorSettings()
//Just trying the below properties, I have tried everything here :(
//AlwaysAllowAdditionalObjectProperties = true,
//AllowReferencesWithProperties = true
Example = new NSwag.OpenApiExample()
Value = Activator.CreateInstance(<MY TYPE>)
newOp.Responses.Add("200", temp);
myPath.Add("get", newOp);
var rawJson = openApiDocument.ToJson();//for file saving or whatever, I do something different here but this gets the point accross
Sorry for the crap formatting.....anyway, the file generated looks like: The main error message in the testing website is:
Structural error at paths./companies.get.responses.200.content.application/json.schema
should NOT have additional properties additionalProperty: definitions
description: successful operation
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Pet'