Creating schema that contains auto incremented value from database
So I have a table in my sql database that has an auto incremented id field. This field is auto incremented on the database side. My generated python function to add a row to this table has a variable that asks for the field that can't take a None value. I want my auto generated add row function to not ask for or have that variable at all, but I want my get row function to show the variable. This generates the field thisId in my add row function which isn't good. What is the proper way to do this?
This is what I have now for the specific property:
properties: thisId: type: integer description: blah blah blah readOnly: true nullable: true
as your nick says, this is a confuse dev :D
honestly i'm not sure if i follow, but swagger-codegen is not generating code for any persistant logic currently. If that's what you're trying to get, you would need to create your own generator with templates