3 years agoSmartBear Alumni (Retired)
[NEWS] Announcing SwaggerHub and PactFlow integration!
Accelerate releases with confidence.
Deploy faster and avoid breaking changes with design first API contract testing.
Improve time to market and the quality of your software with design-first API contract testing using PactFlow in the SwaggerHub editor. Give API developers and designers immediate feedback on proposed changes to their APIs removing the risk of issues in production.
Benefits of design-first API contract testing:
- Visibility of how APIs are being used by consumers
- Decouple teams to safely accelerate release cycles
- Rapidly increase the coverage of tests across the system
- Prevent easily avoidable breaking changes
- Reduce the need for API versioning
- Be confident to deploy
For more information, visit https://swagger.io/tools/swaggerhub/integrations/pactflow/