Forum Discussion

stuften-sfg's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 years ago

SwaggerHub hanging when I sign in

I just signed up for a Free Trial, completed the registration, went to sign in then login seems to hang.


Issue occurs in both Chrome and Edge browsers ğŸ™„


Tried signing in multiple times in both browsers. No internet connectivity or firewall issues.


Any help or advice most appreciated!


Google Chrome Version 109.0.5414.74 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Microsoft Edge Version 109.0.1518.55 (Official build) (64-bit)

Windows 10 Pro Version 10.0.19044 Build 19044

3 Replies

  • chichepo's avatar
    Champion Level 2


    Not sure what the root cause of your issue but, in addition to try on several browsers, try to connect from differents networks (it happened to me actually ğŸ˜‰).
    It can be a proxy filtering or something similar.
    FYI, sometime, there are also some SH avalability issues. Refer to this link for further details.

    Sorry If can't help further.

  • stuften-sfg's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Looks like its was a corporate network firewall issue at my end. problem now resolved!