swaggerhub codegen aspnetcore pattern/minLength/maxLength not included in the generated code.
When generating the server code from SwaggerHub, some features are not available on the generated aspnetcore code. For example, I can add a pattern or minLength property and the spring generated code will properly include the required validation (e.g. Pattern(regexp="^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$") Size(min=3,max=30))
However, the generated aspnetcore does not have any of those properties.
Is this an expected behavior, a configuration that is missing or something like that.
Hi gvilleda
I defined some few properties with various definitions:Then I have generated an aspnetcore server stub:
As you can see, the properties and their definitions are properly restitued in the Server code.
I remember I had similar issues when I was using an old CodeGen version.
My current version is 3.0.36.
Which version are you using?