Forum Discussion

Stoplight's avatar
Community Manager
6 months ago

Remove "Send Request" button / Interface on API Path doc pages

Originally posted by user Rick.K to the Stoplight Community on 11/28/2023 at 18:56 ET.

Our API is for a locally hosted board that runs a web server in the user's local network. If the board is not online and accessible on the "viewers" local netowrk using the exact same host name as defined in our "servers" example then the request / test will fail. We would prefer to just remove this feature completely from our generated docs. I removed the entire servers section from the API json code and published and the box remains (see attached).

Is there a way to disable this feature?

  • a_welch (Staff) [11/30/2023 - 14:09 ET]

    Rick.K yes, you can disable that feature. The owner of the workspace can do that via the Settings tab. Below is a link to the documentation for this. If it is helpful, you can access the Product Documentation from within your workspace. Simply click on the flyout menu by your username (bottom left-hand corner of your workspace), select Product Docs then you can word search for what you are looking for.

  • Stoplight's avatar
    Community Manager

    a_welch (Staff) [11/30/2023 - 14:09 ET]

    Rick.K yes, you can disable that feature. The owner of the workspace can do that via the Settings tab. Below is a link to the documentation for this. If it is helpful, you can access the Product Documentation from within your workspace. Simply click on the flyout menu by your username (bottom left-hand corner of your workspace), select Product Docs then you can word search for what you are looking for.

    • Stoplight's avatar
      Community Manager

      Rick.K (OP) [11/30/2023 - 17:10 ET]

      thanks! We had turned off enable mock servers but missed the "try it" toggle - that was the one we were looking for.