problem+json does not require "details" or "status"
Originally posted by user jerlandsson to the Stoplight Community on 10/20/2023 at 04:03 ET.
I'm currently looking at your Zalando spectral guidelines and when I create my problem+json model I get validation errors saying that my model must have status, details and instance. However, when I look at the RFC both status and details are optional since they are stating that:
The "status" member, if present, is only advisory; it conveys the HTTP status code used for the convenience of the consumer.
The "detail" string, if present, ought to focus on helping the client correct the problem, rather than giving debugging information.
So I could imagine that they could give a warning or an info, but if they're not there it shouldn't throw an error.
a_welch (Staff) [10/24/2023 - 16:48 ET]
Hello! You have the ability to adjust the severity of that message within your Style Guide or on the individual project. Here is a link to the documentation on updating the severity or disabling the rule.