15 years agoNew Contributor
XPath doesnt work probably??
Hi all,
hope someone can Help me solving my Problem with getting the right XPath for a special case in my GroovyScript Test Step.
After calling the Request and gettin a Response i got the GroovyScript Test Step.
I try to Check if there appears this ErrorMsg("Nothing in there.") and do something then.
I tried nearly every possible XPath for //SOAP-ENV:Fault/detail/CommandCustomerDataRequestFailure/errorMsg but cant it.
Log.info with this Path gives me a Null Message.
I have this SOAP-Response in ErrorCase:
I use soapUI 3.6.1 non-pro.
hope someone can Help me solving my Problem with getting the right XPath for a special case in my GroovyScript Test Step.
After calling the Request and gettin a Response i got the GroovyScript Test Step.
I try to Check if there appears this ErrorMsg("Nothing in there.") and do something then.
I tried nearly every possible XPath for //SOAP-ENV:Fault/detail/CommandCustomerDataRequestFailure/errorMsg but cant it.
Log.info with this Path gives me a Null Message.
I have this SOAP-Response in ErrorCase:
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<faultstring xml:lang="en">FaultMsg</faultstring>
<CommandCustomerDataRequestFailure xmlns="http://XXX/YY">
<errorMsg>Nothing in there.</errorMsg>
//all the def stuff
def groovyUtils = new com.eviware.soapui.support.GroovyUtils( context )
def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder( "Request1#Response" )
def getResponseFilename(name) {
date = new Date()
dateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat('yyyyMMdd-kkmmssms')
shortDate = dateFormat.format(date)
respFilename = shortDate + "-" + name + "-response.xml"
// closure referes to Drucken.call
def Drucken ={
//if-else content
if (context.expand('${Request1#Response#//SOAP-ENV:Fault/detail/CommandCustomerDataRequestFailure/errorMsg')=="Nothing in there.")
Drucken.call( 'C:/nothingthere' )
log.info "Nothing there"
Drucken.call( 'C:/!Error' )
log.info "Error"
I use soapUI 3.6.1 non-pro.