Forum Discussion
I have faced with EXACTLY the same problem.
I tried everything mentioned here.
Maybe if it can help, I use on my Mac jenv tool to setup several java environments. Maybe it can influence somehow?
I you will have some solution how to fix SoapUI problem please let me know
I fixed it. Not an ideal solution though.
I did a factory reset to my computer, updated to sierra, and then downloaded SOAPUI, problem fixed.
I didn't mind since it was a brand new computer with almost nothing on it.
- Please check if you can edit the questions above as those not clear.
While defining regular expressions, it may involve special characters, so you may need to escape them properly. This is just general input.- rupert_anderson10 years agoValued Contributor
If I'm understanding you right, you want to preprocess some properties extracted from the response before then applying standard Assertions to them?
If so, one such approach would be to use a Response Filter to change the response values before applying the Assertions - see (gives some background, but is really for the paid for version of SoapUI)
See also point 6 of
It can also be done on the open source version, but requires coding effort, which may be more effort than its worth in this case.
Instead, have you considered using a Script Assertion instead? That way you could just extract the values from the response e.g. something like
def prop = context.expand( '${#Project#propertyA}' ) assert prop.toUpperCase()=="....."
Is this the kind of thing you were meaning?
- rupert_anderson10 years agoValued Contributor
Thanks for the edit to your question, but I think my answer is still just as relavent? Alhough the first option I suggested is probably overkill, how about just doing a Script Assertion as per my second suggestion?
Or perhaps I am missing something, but say you have TestSteps like:
1. Goovy TestStep with
context["argument"]="abcdef" //set initial value of your parameter
2. REST Request TestStep
In your Contains Assertion you can use ${=argument.toUpperCase()} to look for ABCDEF?
Also in your Contains Assertion, its less exact, but you could even tick 'ignore case' e.g.
Is this on the right track for what you want?