Forum Discussion

Jeroen's avatar
Occasional Contributor
17 years ago

Testrunner export all on windows xp (path too long)

We are using significant names in our testsuites/testcases/testrequest but because Testrunner will export to files using the following naming:

"Exported files are written to a file named ----.txt"

the path to the file is too long and the file isn't accesible via windows.

Is it possible to  reduce the name size in the export (not in the soapUI-project)?

  • omatzura's avatar
    Super Contributor
    Hi Jeroen,

    thanks for the report, we'll add an option for this in a coming build..


  • JPMorganChase's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Was this issue ever addressed.  I am using version 3.0 and test Runner still creates very long names that can not be used in Windows xp.
  • I tried doing it manually for a while but it was too much someone suggested LongPathTool and it helped.