testRunner.bat not use UTF-8
sorry for my english. :manfrustrated:
I use soapui by functional/automated testing async-servises (IBM WebSphere MQ + HermesJMS). Previous version of my test application is using CharacterSet = Win1251, but the new version uses UTF-8. When you run the test on the new version of the application had problems with the encoding of messages and Tests Fail
I found a solution that partially helped me. http://0guzhan.blogspot.ru/2012/05/soapui-450-workspace-problem.html
I add "Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" in BIN\SoapUI-5.0.0.vmoptions and this WORK! Tests passed, but i found second problem. It works through a GUI, but not from the console.
This properties doesn't work in command-line (testRunner.bat or Launch testRunner). These tests failed at startup in command-line.
That's too bad, because command line used to run tests from Jazz :mansad:
if I update testrunner.bat add properties -Dgroovy.source.enkoding = UTF-8, it will help me?
I do not know how to configure it to work soapui with UTF-8 through the GUI and console
I use soapui 5.0.0, the previous version of my test application soapui worked with the GUI and console.
I found a solution. it was necessary to add testrunner.bat "-Dfile.encoding = UTF-8"
rem JVM parameters, modify as appropriate set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms128m -Xmx1024m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsoapui.properties=soapui.properties "-Dsoapui.home=%SOAPUI_HOME%\"