Forum Discussion

bambula's avatar
New Contributor
16 years ago

Support for HTTP/REST Mock Services in soapUI 2.5 ?

Hi there,

as I saw that 2.5 is out with REST support, I was implicitly assuming that HTTP/REST Mock Services are supported as well.

However, in the User Guide, I could not find any further information about it. Is it actually supported?

Best regards,

4 Replies

  • omatzura's avatar
    Super Contributor

    unfortunately this didn't make it into the final release as hoped. You can mock static responses for GET requests using the new docroot setting in the MockService Options dialog or use the onRequest script on the MockService level to return whatever you want, but other then that you will have to wait for the next version which will definitely have this.. sorry..


  • Hi omatzura

    Today I downloaded SoapUI 3.5 and it still does not contain the Rest Mock Service. Do you have any plan to include it?

