Forum Discussion

mmoser18's avatar
Frequent Contributor
9 years ago

Strange bug where <string>.replace(...) does not work.

In one of my scripted assertion I need to replace a substring with another value. For some strange reason that doesn't work:


My expression reads:



... but for some odd reason the resulting link still starts with "http://" instead of "https://" ?!?


To debug this I tried the following:

endpoint: ${=context.endpoint}
result1: ${=context.endpoint.replace("http","https")}
result2: ${=context.endpoint.replace('http','https')}


but the result still reads:

endpoint: http://chbbatscsoa01:9895/references_v2.0.0

result1: http://chbbatscsoa01:9895/references_v2.0.0

result2: http://chbbatscsoa01:9895/references_v2.0.0


According to the docs, both arguments of the replace()-method are simple strings (i.e. no reg. exps. or such), so why does this simple replace(...) not work? What am I missing here???

  • When I tried again today for some reason the original



    suddenly worked!

    Beats me, why this was not properly handled last time! Really weird!

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2

    Just use:

    def newEndpoint = context.endpoint.replace('http', 'https') newEndpoint


    EDIT: KarelHusa thank you for point missing one. Updated.

    • mmoser18's avatar
      Frequent Contributor


      Sorry - doesn't work for me!


      If I enter:



      this yields:

      No signature of method: com\.eviware\.soapui\.impl\.wsdl\.testcase\.WsdlTestRunContext\.endpoint() is applicable for argument types: (java\.lang\.String, java\.lang\.String) values: [http, https]


      This is running inside a "Script Assertion".

      • KarelHusa's avatar
        Super Contributor

        mmoser18, in SoapUI we need to distinguish when we are writing a Groovy script and when we are writing a statement inside a Groovy string (inside the curly braces ${} ).


        When you write a Groovy script, as is the case of Script Assertion, Groovy Script test step and other places, it's better to write plain Groovy, as nmrao advised:


        def e = context.endpoint.replace("http","https") e


        When you e.g. put ${myVariable} inside a request message, you work with a Groovy string, which is later parsed by SoapUI run-time and executed by Groovy (here's a link to Groovy documentation).


        Please check the code above if it works according to your expectations.


        Please note that you previously omitted the 'replace' method when writing:



        That's why you got the No signature of method exception.




  • KarelHusa's avatar
    Super Contributor

    mmoser18, which kind of assertion do you use?


    I have tried the following code: 






    in the Contains assertion and the substitution works as expected, i.e. http is replaced by https.







  • mmoser18's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    When I tried again today for some reason the original



    suddenly worked!

    Beats me, why this was not properly handled last time! Really weird!