Forum Discussion

lulu's avatar
15 years ago


I created a new soap project, and imported 2 wsdl's that uses different endpoints because I need to combine these. I want to launch the testrunner from cmd, but the endpoints differ and the ports too.
Is there any way I can merge these 2 to be able to run my testsuite
(testrunner.bat -h,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:8YYY -a -fresults D:\SoapUI\my-soap-ui-project.xml)
(testrunner.bat -h......................................:8XXX -a -fresults D:\SoapUI\my-soap-ui-project.xml)

When I try to run it, I keep getting :
12:36:53,641 ERROR [SoapUITestCaseRunner] java.lang.Exception: Failed to load so
apUI project file [D:\SoapUI\my-soap-ui-project.xml]

I could really appreciate any help on this one
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