9 years agoContributor
SoapUI Teardown Script
I have found the below teardown script from one the blog to save the request and response in to a folder /files.
It works fine when I have only SOAP request steps but did not work for other types of steps. I have property transfer, groovt script, JDBC Request, Delay and SOAP request in my steps , but only intrested to record request and response of SOAP Request.
// path for the testSuite def folderPath = 'C:/temp/' + testSuite.name + '_' + System.currentTimeMillis() + File.separator new File(folderPath).mkdirs() // for each testCase in the testSuite testSuite.testCases.each { testCaseName, testCase -> // path for this testCase def folderPathSuite = folderPath + testCaseName + File.separator new File(folderPathSuite).mkdir() // for each testStep testCase.testSteps.each { testStepName, testStep -> // define a file def file = new File(folderPathSuite + testStepName + '_response.xml') // get the response and write to file file.write(testStep.getProperty('Response').getValue()) } }