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stman's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Brackets in scripting in soapui.


I'm following a series of lessons in SoapUI. I'm in scripting for automation and what I miss are the brackets. The instructor uses brackets and square brackets. I have no clue when to use which. Does anyone know more specifically where I can look for information?



  • Hi,

    Would you mind giving a little more detail or at least a specific example?


    When there are brackets, it typically indicates a method on a class.  E.g. myObj,toString() where toString is a parameter-less method.  You may also need to pass in parameters to a method.  For example expects you to 'pass' in a message.  E.g."Hello World")

    Where there are square brackets, that typically indicates an element within an list, array, collection.

    You tend to put a number inside the square brackets which says which row you're interested in.  E.g.


    var animal = animals[0];  // Gives the animal in the first (first because lists are zero-index based) row.


    Typically, you'd actually put a variable inside the square brackets...

    Note, the below is purely for illustration and probably won't be syntactically correct.


    for (i = 0; i < animals.size; i++) {

        var currentAnimal = animals[i];  // Get the animal at position i based on our loop.;





3 Replies

  • ChrisAdams's avatar
    Champion Level 3


    Would you mind giving a little more detail or at least a specific example?


    When there are brackets, it typically indicates a method on a class.  E.g. myObj,toString() where toString is a parameter-less method.  You may also need to pass in parameters to a method.  For example expects you to 'pass' in a message.  E.g."Hello World")

    Where there are square brackets, that typically indicates an element within an list, array, collection.

    You tend to put a number inside the square brackets which says which row you're interested in.  E.g.


    var animal = animals[0];  // Gives the animal in the first (first because lists are zero-index based) row.


    Typically, you'd actually put a variable inside the square brackets...

    Note, the below is purely for illustration and probably won't be syntactically correct.


    for (i = 0; i < animals.size; i++) {

        var currentAnimal = animals[i];  // Get the animal at position i based on our loop.;





    • stman's avatar
      New Contributor

      In the example below there is one scenario with aquare bracket and in the getPropertyValue there is normal bracket.



      • ChrisAdams's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        This references a test case by name.  In this case, the test case is called GetEmployee


         I'm assuming the GetEmployee test case has a test step called "get".


        So far, we've 'grabbed' a hold of the test step called "get"


        The square brackets so far have been used to get an element in the array by name.  My early note mentioned square brackets indicate a list of some sort and my example used a number to reference the element of interest.  Here, SmartBear are doing the same, but by name.  If you think about the GetEmployee test case, there will be a series of steps that you could reference by number, but this is 'by name'.

        The test step class has lots of methods.  One being 'getPropertyValue'.  This method requires a parameter passed-in.  In this case, the example is aiming to get the test steps property value named "Request".