SoapUI on Windows 10 screens not working properly
I have SoapUI installed on Windows 7 and 10. (7 to be retired and is now just a backup).
The screens from SoapUI are eradic. I think there is some type of install issue.
I have already uninstalled and re-installed but it didn't help.
I select a project/request. And the screen change and new one popup with every click and/or move of the soapui window even though I have not requested a new request window to be opened..
I have attached a screen shot.
I cannot use SoapUI as it is now.
Is there a Window 10 problem or how can I completely remove SoapUI and all of it's folders and files to see if a re-install fixes it.
Hi again,
I've got one more suggestion to check from our R&D Team. They suspect that this behavior is related with Java and suggest that you set the J2D_D3D environment variable to false. Here are the detailed steps: