Forum Discussion

ggriskow's avatar
New Contributor
12 months ago

SoapUI OAuth 2.0, Get Access Token receive "The page could not be loaded?

Hey All, new to SoapUI coming over from Postman. Currently using SoapUI version 5.7.0

I am able to do simple get request with Basic Auth, I can also complete an OAuth 2 request when I pass the token in which I get from Postman. 

I am however unable to get the SoapUI OAuth 2 request for Get Access Token to work.  I am using Authorization Code Grant option, with the correct Client ID, Secret, Auth URL, Token URL, Scope. I am using for the Redirect URI which is specified in our Platform Configuration. When trying this all I'm receiving is the browser window with "The Page Cannot be Loaded", any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

  • We discovered the cause of the error and it is related to SSL inspection / verification on ZScaler Internet Security

  • Humashankar's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi - I hope that you are Doing good !!

    Can you cross check the redirect URI configured in SoapUI matches the one specified in your OAuth 2.0 provider's platform configuration and is accessible 

    Hope this helps!!

    Thank you very much and have a fantastic day!
    Warm regards

  • ggriskow's avatar
    New Contributor

    We discovered the cause of the error and it is related to SSL inspection / verification on ZScaler Internet Security