Forum Discussion
SoapUI has command line parameters that will allow you to run test outside of the Soapui tool and without having to use the maven plugin. The commandline parameters will allow you to do things like select Projects/testsuite/testcase to execute and the pro version has some extra features to export reports, run specific tests that are tagged, use same tests in different environments. Please take a look at the list of things that you can apply from the commandline so that you can drive the tests from your CI tools (bamboo,jenkins, etc) More information about the commandline parameters are available here: (this is for the pro version, some parameters may not apply for OS)
Hello TSanchez_1
Thank you for the response.
I would assume CommnadLine option works exactly in similar way as the maven plugin, and you would need to have the SoapUI controller installed on the machine where the test is running
Basically the SoapUI or ReadyAPI controller would the one who executing all the tests ?
The problem with my eco system is , the CI and CD is happening with bamboo and everything happens on cloud machine (amazone elastic agents) where we are not sure of we can have SoapUI controller capability.... I think in that case it is going to be difficult.... If the CI and CD is happening in machines which if we have control over, this would be much easier I guess and I could run tests either with CommandLine or Maven ..and not necessarily with SoapUI GUI tool itself...
Am looking If any one has come across a similar situation
Thanks & Warm Regards
- nmrao7 years agoChampion Level 3Personally do not use.
Please see if the below thread helps?
Not sure what you mean by SoapUI controller? You mean running the tests?
SoapUI or ReadyAPI should be installed on the machine where tests are going to be executed. And your application / service need not be on the same machine, it could be remote machine; the tests be run.- Musaffir7 years agoContributor
Hello nmrao Thank you
By SoapUI controller, I meant the SoapUI software or the application itself...yes the one which need to be installed on the machine where we want to run test and want to hit on the apis..
Sure, I will check that thread and see if its helps... If we are sure about the system where the tests are running and if we have control over the system we could install SoapUI there..( yes application / service is deployed some where which can be accessed over http) ... but with Bamboo CI setup that we have currently ... this is not in my control .... but something I will research to see what is possible with any workarounds...
Thanks again for your response
Warm Regards
- Musaffir7 years agoContributor
Hi nmrao
I checked that thread and the SoapUI plugin for Bamboo
I think its just a plugin where you can configure all your things like project file,suite etc for the bamboo tasks ?attached a pic
Ultimately we will have to point to the SoapUI installation path ? So SoapUI need to be installed on the agent where this test is running ?
As I am not sure in which agent the test would be running , it will difficult for me as the SoapUI installation may not be there in that agent ?
Or If I have many standalone agents, I will need to have that many SoapUI installation or licence there ?
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