Issue: On the Server side, I get an invalid key format.
Question: Which format is invalid? My certificates are in .p12 format. Is JKS a different format that is required by SoapUI?
Yes, I had to use the KeyStore format to get SoapUI to accept the server key pair. I generated key pair using OPENSSL and then imported them into KeyStore. I did this for both client and server.
Just to add that the Mock Service on the Server side is set to listen on port 443.
I did configure the project KeyStore and TrustStore with the server.p12 (KeyStore) and intermediate.p12 (TrustStore).
(not sure if this is needed as I haven't seen and post saying this is required.)
Note to self. Set Mock Service port to 8443. Run the actual mock service on 8088. The server side then handles both SSL and non SSL requests.
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