Forum Discussion

SteveJR's avatar
New Contributor
13 years ago

SoapUI 4.0.1 and Data Driven Model


I am trying to create a Data Driven project using a JDBC connection to a MySQL database in SoapUI 4.0.1 (free version). I am able to connect and when I perfrom an SQL query I can see the results in the XML window.

My question is how do I get the data returned into SoapUI properites so that I can reference them in a SOAP request? The tutorial states the following:

"We also will have to add two properties, index and author that corresponds to the SQL Statement. Once done, you can test the entire step"

So, in my test I have added a property that corresponds to the column in the table I am accessing but then I get the below error which has already been logged as a bug:

2012-02-27 09:51:23 - Error getting response; java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter not found: param1

Any help would be much appreciated!
