14 years agoNew Contributor
SOAPUI 4.0.0 InvalidDefinitionException
A previously had a problem with SOAPUI 3.0.1 not loading an XSD (just hanging on http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd), so I upgraded to 4.0.0, and now it croaks on http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/ ... xt-1.0.xsd with a CDATA error on line 1.
The WSDL is: https://ws.ondemand.qas.com/ProOnDemand ... .asmx?WSDL
Is there a way to import the XSDs into SOAPUI so instead of downloading them off the web it looks in a local cache first?
The WSDL is: https://ws.ondemand.qas.com/ProOnDemand ... .asmx?WSDL
Is there a way to import the XSDs into SOAPUI so instead of downloading them off the web it looks in a local cache first?