Forum Discussion
Champion Level 2
6 years agoHow about this?
context.testCase.testSuite.setPropertyValue('name', 'value')
- sumeet04206 years agoNew ContributorI want to pass a variable that is defined in test suite with value as an Object and use in the subsequent test cases.
For eg. My test suite has set up script which defines a context variable as follows
context.testSuiteVariable = new HelloWorld()
I want to use this context.testSuiteVariable in my test case. Any idea how to achieve this?- nmrao6 years ago
Champion Level 2
- HimanshuTayal6 years agoCommunity Hero
Hi sumeet0420 ,
In your TestSuite you can assign value to context variable by below:
context.setProperty("varName", varValue);
And in your TestCase, you can use the value by below: context.varName
- sumeet04206 years agoNew ContributorHi,
This will not work as TestSuite context is different from TestCase object.
Test Case Context is an instance of TestCaseRunContext while Test Suite Context is an instance of TestSuiteRunContext.