My testing work is completely in SOAPUI. In that when I hit an wsdl with request Message I will be getting an response soap message.
For example
Consider two wsdl links I have.
I have an id, if I hit the request message for those two wsdl with the same id in SOAPUI separately, I will get two SOAP responses separately.
Now coming to my problem:
In groovy script I wanted to check whether data present in wsdl1's response matches with the wsdl2's response.
I am able to get the SOAP responses individually in groovy script also.
Now I wanted to compare these responses, in which nodeNames are diffferent for the same nodeValues. How sholud I proceed?
My 1st soap response will have certain tags like this :
My 2nd response will have following tags but with same data as in 1st response:
If u see the above two responses personId(from 1st response)and personIdentification(from 2nd response) have same data, I wanted to compare these nodeValues(but different nodeNames) individually and get a result. True or False