8 years agoOccasional Contributor
setProprertyValue string to integer to insert into database
From REST Request I get a json response which contains an accountID which I want to use in the next teststep as and id in insertion to database. In the REST request I use script assertion: impo...
- 8 years ago
Rao has identified the issue correctly, just got the order a little wrong.
You should be able to spot the problem following this:
def parse = {json -> new net.sf.json.groovy.JsonSlurper().parseText(json)} def json1 = '{"accountId":1000092192}' def json2 = '[{"accountId": 1000092192}]' assert parse(json1).accountId.toString() == '1000092192' assert parse(json2).accountId.toString() == '[1000092192]' assert parse(json2).first().toString() == json1 assert parse(json2).first().accountId.toString() == '1000092192'
Alternative notation:
assert parse(json2)[0] == parse(json2).first()