Security configuration for SOAP project using two way SSL with client certificate for auth
Hello Community,
I am struggling with configuration of my SOAP project to use client certificate in two way SSL encryption tunnel. I tryied both these guides:
But unfortunatelly I cannot connect to the server.
When I use CURL with cert and key it is working like a charm:
curl --request GET --url https://XXXX/service1\?WSDL --cert cert.pem --key key.pem
curl --request POST --url https://XXXX/service1 --cert cert.pem --key key.pem --header 'Content-Type: text/xml' --verbose -d @request.xml
However when I create JKS trustore with both of them and I add it to SoapUI, according those guides, I am getting unauthorized response all the time.
I tried it on Windows10 and Ubuntu22.04 with SoapUI 5.7.1
Could you please give me nudge or hint how should I configure the SoapUI project to authenticate using 2 way SSL?
Thank you.