Forum Discussion

ABCDEFG's avatar
13 years ago

REST to SOAP Property Transfer by last 4::SSN values of 9


I need to property transfer of REST service parameter to SOAP service Request parameter. I need to 9 digits parameter and i need last 4 of the 9 digits.

This a parameter is in the REST request header-

Could you please help me

Appreciate your help in advance!


2 Replies

  • Modern property rights are based on conceptions of owners and possession as belonging to legal persons, even if the legal person is not a natural person. In most countries, corporations, for example, have legal rights similar to those of citizens. Therefore, the corporation is a juristic person or artificial legal entity, under a concept that some refer to as corporate personhood .Property rights are protected in the current laws of most states, usually in their constitution or in a bill of rights.
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  • M_McDonald's avatar
    Super Contributor
    If I understand your question and the SSN is always 9 digits, something like this should work in the SOAP parameter:

    ${=context.expand("${AppointmentInfo - MyTaxes REST#ssn}")[5..8]}