Report not genetaing in local machine when integrating Jenkins with open version Soap Ui 5.5.0
I have Test Suite which is running fine through Jenkins . Using below command in Execute Windows Batch Command Section
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.5.0\bin\
testrunner.bat -sSanity-Guided-Flow-New-Connect -c"TP Add Premium Channel Epix" -r -t C:\Users\reyazulh\soapui-settings.xml "C:\Reyaz\Latest XML from Shared Folder\Shared XML\Phase - 3\Jenkins\Jenkins-Sanity.xml"
Here Sanity-Guided-Flow-New-Connect is Test suite Name
TP Add Premium Channel Epix is test case name
And last path is project path.
But report not generating in my local, I need report too. I used below command for that, but it is not working.
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.5.0\bin\
testrunner.bat -sSanity-Guided-Flow-New-Connect -c"TP Add Premium Channel Epix" -r -t-f\C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\re\ C:\Users\reyazulh\soapui-settings.xml "C:\Reyaz\Latest XML from Shared Folder\Shared XML\Phase - 3\Jenkins\Jenkins-Sanity.xml"
getting below error in Jenkins :
[htmlpublisher] Archiving HTML reports... [htmlpublisher] Archiving at PROJECT level C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\re to C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\re\htmlreports\HTML_20Report ERROR: Directory 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\re' exists but failed copying to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\re\htmlreports\HTML_20Report'. Finished: FAILURE