Users can have many suites and each can contain many test cases in each of their project -
I understand that some users can have many test-cases/suites and whatnot. But the use-case i had targeted for the plugin was unstable APIs, or testcases. Of course it's possible to use the plugin to iterate over a bunch of test-steps but that's a feature for a new version, right now its totally dependent on assertions and the status of a step. :)
A way to automatically enable / disable this test step
Sure, that makes sense, a global disable of repeat-test-steps, perhaps i can put a button somewhere.
Meanwhile, here's a groovy script that disables all repeat-steps! :)
testRunner.testCase.project.testSuiteList.each { suite ->
suite.testCaseList.each { testCase ->
testCase.testStepList.each { step ->
step.disabled = step.class.simpleName.equals("RepeatTestStep")
Just put it in any testcase and it will disable the step globally.
Considering a release in Github
Did it just the other day actually, it can be found here.
heard that jailbreak is not working from 5.3.0
Tried it out with 5.3.0 and it still works, people in my team who needed the plugin early are using it! :)
get this plugin signed by SmartBear
Haven't really talked to them about it yet, we'll see about it, so far it's a very slim use-case for the plugin, and from looking at the plugins in their repository this one feels like a very tiny one. I'll add some more use-cases for it, just plain old looping for starters, and then we'll see.
Ready API can also use it
It sure can! And even though i haven't really tried it in Ready! API yet, i'm fairly sure that it will. I'll get back when i tested it thoroughly though.
Thanks for the feedback Rao!