record json response into an array
i have this kind of API json response :
{"response": {"responseRecherche": {
"1": {
"Acheteur": {
"Id": "azertyui",
"Date de création": "2018-03-29 12:19:27",
"Date de modification": "2018-03-29 12:19:27",
"Statut": "01",
"Accessibilité": true
"2": {
"dumeAcheteur": {
"Id": "itkqiisy",
"Date de création": "2018-03-21 10:41:05",
"Date de modification": "2018-03-21 10:41:05",
"Statut": "01",
"Accessibilité": true
"nn": {
"dumeAcheteur": {
"Id": "iizopooj",
"Date de création": "2018-03-23 02:34:35",
"Date de modification": "2018-03-23 02:34:35",
"Statut": "01",
"Accessibilité": true
i want to retrieve all "date de création" or "Id" in an array. I just have a groovy syntax code problem.
I script that :
import net.sf.*
import net.sf.json.*
import net.sf.json.groovy.*
def GU = new context )
def Response = context.expand ( '${TestStep#Response}').toString()
def Slurp = new JsonSlurper().parseText(Response)
def ResRec = Slurp.response.responseRecherche
def cpt = ResRec.size()
// " Nb = " + cpt <= this test is good. It returns Nb = 30 in my example. So response is right in RecRec.
def node = Slurp.response.responseRecherche.'1'.dumeAcheteur.'Date de création'
// "noeud : " + node <= this test is good. It returns 2018-03-29 12:19:27
def i=1
while (i<=cpt)
selectID[i] = resrec.'(i)'.dumeAcheteur.Id
} selectID[1]
def i=1
def Testdate = testRunner.testCase.getProperty("DateReference").value
def checkdate = true
while (i<=cpt and checkdate==true)
if selectID[i] > Testdate { checkdate == false }
=> java.null.pointException: Cannot get property 'dumeAcheteur' on null object error at line: 18
selectID[i] = resrec.'(i)'.dumeAcheteur.Id is bad :(
I try everything ! [i], $i, ..., anything works :(
I think it is easy, but i am noobie in groovy. can you help me please ?
Or to step back one step further, consider just using the data from the Slurper result directly.
In your case, your JSON is a bit unusual because it labels the objects as "1" and "2" etc
"responseRecherche": { "1": { ... },
"2": { ... },Instead of just giving a list as I would normally have expected:
"responseRecherche": [ { ... },
{ ... },So, yes, in this case it might make sense to partially transform it, into a proper list (not unlike what Rao has suggested):
dumeAcheteurs = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper() .parseText(jsonString) .response .responseRecherche .collect { keyName, keyValue -> keyValue } // creates a list from the values behind "1" and "2", ignoring those names for them .collect { it.dumeAcheteur }
Here you're still keeping the whole objects rather than only pulling out a specific subset. And you can just access what you need directly:
assert dumeAcheteurs[0].Id == "azertyui" assert dumeAcheteurs[1]."Date de création" == "2018-03-21 10:41:05"
// etcHello
thank you for your answers :smileyhappy:
yesterday we didnt work in france. so i look this morning.
I tried quick code with $i but it doesnt' work :(
After, i try last code with collect function, and it runs very good.
i can check all dates before or after a given date, i am very happy to that. thank you so much.
jhunt, yes, this json is a little weak format json, but it is maken by a junior, so ok. in fact, your are a genius :smileywink: