jsonpathRetrieve array element in an array from JSON response
Hi All,
I'm trying to retrieve an array element within an array (sample response attached) from a test step in a test case. Within this response, I want to retrieve an array of Telecoms values where the SystemCode ==phone and then get the first element from this array to use in another step.
I tried doing this with a property transfer step, but the problem is that when I retrieve the array using this JSONpath as the source, it returns an empty array even though I it should return an array of 25 elements.
So, I'm trying to do this with Groovy script. I'm not familiar with Groovy, so I'm cobbling this together based on what I've been reading. I know the syntax isn't correct, but I'm hoping I can get some help to get what I need with this bit of pseudocode:
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper //retrieve response from the 'All Matches' test step def response = context.expand( '${TestStepName#AllMatches}' ).toString() def slurper = new JsonSlurper() def json = slurper.parseText(response) //get an array of values where the Telecoms.SystemCode = 'phone' def phoneArray = log.info(json.Itemlist.Telecoms[?(@.SystemCode=="phone")].ValueString) //get the first element from phoneArray def phoneElement = jsonParse[0]
The result of JSONPath expression $..Telecoms[?(@.SystemCode=='phone')].ValueString has more than 25 elements because there are different use codes. Do you want to filter only mobile or home phone numbers?
$..Telecoms[?(@.SystemCode=='phone') && @.UseCode=='mobile')].ValueString
If the use code for the first element doesn't matter then