Forum Discussion

vijjua1's avatar
Occasional Visitor
16 days ago

Property transfer version 5.7.2 not removing double quotes.

I am doing property transfer by using the setup script through sql. My request has something which should be in []. I have created the propert transfer like below 

For the Target i have given like below.

In the setup script I am giving like below.

String dispositionIds = rows.DISPOSTN_ID

//Set Property value
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue( "DISPOSTN_ID", dispositionIds )

After runng the script I am getting the value in double quotes "" like shown below.
"dispositionIds":"[1282678]" ---But becasue of the double quotes, My request is thrownig an error saying invalid json.

My Colleagesue have a differnt verison soap 5.6.0 and it is working fine for them.


  • Humashankar's avatar
    Champion Level 2

    Hi vijjua1 

    First, verify the property type of $.dispositionIds in SoapUI to ensure it is set to String. If it is not, update the property type to String and attempt the process again.

    Next, review the setup script logic carefully to confirm that it accurately extracts the DISPOSTN_ID from the rows object and assigns it to the dispositionIds variable. Double-checking this logic will help identify any potential issues

    Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
    Thank you very much and have a great one!
    Warm regards