Forum Discussion

Beanalby's avatar
13 years ago

Properties not substituted for WSI Compliance Check

I have my WSDL Definition specified as


where addPrefix is a custom project property, so I can easily test multiple servers via " -PaddrPrefix=http://somehost:1234 myConfig.xml"

In the GUI, If I choose "Check WSDL Compliance", the report shows up as empty, soapui log contains:
Thu Mar 29 17:58:50 EDT 2012:ERROR:An error occured [org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; Premature end of file.], see error log for details

On the config tab, I see it contains:


If I manually change my WSDL Definition to reference the full "http://somehost:1234/myScript/describe.xml", then the Check WSDL Compliance runs as expected.
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