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Apoorva6's avatar
Frequent Contributor
8 years ago

Need help in property transfer for Rest service

Hi All,


I have below response from which account1Number must be transferred to Next request body accountNumber. I used property transfer path giving $.invoiceNodeDetails[:0],account1Number  to $.userDetails[:0],accountNumber


Source: Request1 --Property as Response1

Target: Request2--property as Request2


I am getting error as error parsing, unexpected CDATA.



   "transactionDetails":    {
      "startRow": "1",
      "endRow": "400",
      "totalRow": "1",
      "timeZone": "EST"
   "invoiceNodeDetails":    {
      "nodeLabel": "mx",
      "hierarchyPointId": "16760",
      "nodeStartDate": "20170419 01:40:35",
      "sequenceNumber": "982475",
      "updateDate": "20170419 01:40:35",
      "nodeCreateDate": "20170420 07:47:13",
      "account1Number": "8290000000682"
   "orderDetails": {"serviceOrderNumber": "MX-EUAM-31734"}


      "customerDefinedGroupNodeDetails": {
         "parentInvoiceHierarchyPointId": "155346355",
         "startDate": "20170419 01:40:35",
         "customerDefinedGroupId": "000011",
         "customerAdminId": "",
         "label": "&cadmxprs&",
         "legacyIdTypeCode": "G"
      "userDetails": {
         "userId": "DK246Q",
         "accountNumber": "8290000000682",
         "accountToNumber": "",
         "customerName": "WalGreen",
         "activity": "&Description provided by UI&"

  • Apoorva6,

    Alternatively, the Script Assertion (now Property Transfer step becomes obsolete) can be used for the first step.


    assert context.response, 'Response is empty or null'
    def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(context.response)
    context.testCase.setPropertyValue('ACCOUNT_NO', json.invoiceNodeDetails.account1Number.toString())

    In the second request use Property Transfer ${#TestCase#ACCOUNT_NO}


    i.e., "accountNumber": "${#TestCase#ACCOUNT_NO}",

10 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3


    Alternatively, the Script Assertion (now Property Transfer step becomes obsolete) can be used for the first step.


    assert context.response, 'Response is empty or null'
    def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(context.response)
    context.testCase.setPropertyValue('ACCOUNT_NO', json.invoiceNodeDetails.account1Number.toString())

    In the second request use Property Transfer ${#TestCase#ACCOUNT_NO}


    i.e., "accountNumber": "${#TestCase#ACCOUNT_NO}",

    • Apoorva6's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Thank you Paul and Rao. Will use the script and see, but also,


      I migrated to 5.3.0 version and see now JasonPath in property transfer, However I see transferred values are coming with square braces when transferred. Any idea why ?


      "accountNumber": ["8290000000717"]


      I am using $..invoiceNodeDetails[:1].account1Number at Source and $..userDetails[:1].accountNumber at target with both JasonPath

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        It is not about square brackets. That is a list of accountNumbers.
  • PaulMS's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Did you change the path language to JSON?


    JSONPath expression could be




  • Apoorva6's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    Hi Paul, Thanks for the reply. I am using 5.0.0 open source and i dont see language path in property transfer. Do i need to click anywhere to appear?
  • Apoorva6's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    Hi Rao, ty. But is there a way to ensure not to get braces in request? We are not handling the request after property transfer due to braces.
    • nmrao's avatar
      Champion Level 3
      Well, let me admit that I am not good at jsonpath. If you are ok, use provided script assertion which is tested one.
    • nmrao's avatar
      Champion Level 3
      And more over one less test step in the test case if you go with Script assertion.